
Yüksek protein içerikli, zengin aminoasit dizilimine sahip otolize inaktif maya.Yüksek düzeydeki beta glukan içeriği sayesinde sindirim florasını düzenler, bağışıklığı destekler. Mannanoligosakkaritler (MOS) ile de iyi bir prebiyotik özelliğe sahiptir.

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Product Features and Benefits

  • It helps to keep the animals' immune system active.

  • It strengthens the intestinal microflora with its high prebiotic effect.

  • Provides active protection against diarrhoea-causing agents.

  • Helps to fill the protein gap in rations with its high amino acid content.

İnteWall | Hayvanlarınızın Bağışıklığını Destekleyen Otolize İnaktif Maya! #integro


Dry Inactive Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)

Usage Instructions

1 ton of feed requires 1250 grams of usage.

Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

Store in a cool, dry place and protect from moisture. Avoid direct sunlight. Remove from packaging only for daily use. The product has a shelf life of 24 months.


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